


Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Free

  • Seohu | ϷϽ 쳿
  • 뷮 : 4.9 MB | 2017 04 14 | ȸ 1,242 ȸ
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Vipassana, meaning See as it is, is one of the most ancient meditations in India. Rediscovered around 2,500 years ago, by Budda Gottima, it adheres to the laws of nature to heal the pains of the world; it pursues more than mere curing and alleviating pains. The fundamental purpose of Vipassana is healing the impurities of human beings. The meditations transcend religions, denominations, doctrines, and rituals.

The rituals of Vipassana focus on breathing to help recognize, feel, and observe all the feelings of the human body, from the top of the head to the toes. The novices may feel pain, stiffness, hardness in the muscles, minute vibrations, or other uncomfortable senses. All the experiences are understood as phenomenon of the very moment at the time of the training. Inner peace can be maintained if continuously practiced.

The articles of this book are the footsteps of a novice, the author, who has cast questions on how the meditation could alleviate pains. The author participates in intense Vipassana meditation during 10 days of time, during which she objectively observed and recorded the process.

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- Seohu

Born in Korea, the author has been investigating remedies over a decade to heal pains of numbness.
She noticed treatments that take up time and money only developed more pains; therefore, she began
focusing on self-healing treatments such as relaxation, pumping, moxibustion and acupuncture to
fundamentally heal the pains. She pursued meditation that consists of pure breathing and recognizing
the true feelings of the human body. Beyond self-healing, the author now focuses on healing the
mind through the body and treating the body through the mind.


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